Complimentary Webinar: Wage & Hour Laws

Tuesday, May 18th at 12:30pm ET

Wage & Hour Laws: How To Avoid Common Pitfalls

The DOL’s Wage and Hour Division recovered a record $1.4 billion in back wages for workers in the past 5 years. According to the WHD, that’s an average of $1,120 for each employee. Suffice it to say that your company’s potential liability under wage-and-hour laws continues to be very real, and very expensive.

Happily, much of this risk can be reduced with the right policies and practices in place—if you know what to look for in an ever-changing regulatory and enforcement environment.

Join the Kelley Drye Labor and Employment team for as we help participants look for their next big litigation risk by helping them find their blind spots.

  • Misclassifying non-exempt employees as exempt from overtime requirements
  • Failing to recognize what time is compensable
  • Misclassifying employees as independent contractors
  • Getting tripped up on differences between federal and state laws